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waiting for fall

"'No man is a complete mystery except to himself.'Marcel Proust."

I couldn't shake that quote off my mind. Just watched CSI last night again. I'm running out of new TV shows to watch, so I just watched the first 3 seasons of CSI. That was something Grissom said to Lady Heather. I really think she is the best character CSI came up with. She's the perfect match for Grissom.

I can't wait to see what will happen to Sara Sidle. Was she killed by the miniature killer, or is she just waiting helplessly while the CSI team looks for her. There were too many rumors that Jorja Fox didn't renew contract blah blah blah, but it may be publicity..right?

Oh well. I hope sara dies. or at least Grissom will realize that he doesn't love her. I know a lot wont agree with me. But i really think Grissom and Lady Heather are perfect for each other.


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deegee said...

crescenet..thanks for that..i am still trying to understand portuguese but I know interessante. :) obrigado!