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How long have you been blogging?
- tough question. Peach, can you help me with this? I know I made my first one with easyjournal. That was waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy back (August 03 - I checked). I didn't write continuously though.

What inspired you to write a blog, and who are your mentors?
- I think it was Or one of those very few sites that I visit before - I got curious with the new think back then.

What are the 3 things that you love about being online?
- I learn a lot.
- I stay connected with old and new friends.
- Too many things to do its difficult to get bored

What are the three things that you struggle with in the online-world?
- its anonymity

I'm tagging everyone but ideapinkrose!

beachy beach

Posted in
I am supposed to be basking in the sun in Puerto Galera today. My team at work is there right now enjoying themselves.
I so wish I could join them, but I already promised myself I will not spend money like how I spent my money 2 years ago.
When I was in HTMT I used to join every team outing there was, even if I am not a team member. I loved the fact that I had to travel and sleep somewhere else - not to mention the fact that I get to drink a lot :P
OMG. I am really getting old. All I think about right now are the bills that I have to pay, the stuff for the house that I have to buy and the money I will be saving if I spend less on clothes.

Whew! I really hope that this time its for real.